A simple developer with knowledge on Java + Spring web development, Android, and as well as server management. I've been updating and creating features on the web for five years, I have high confidence on my experiences in Java. Moving now to further my knowledge on different parts of the industry, the journey continues...
PIU provides insurance solutions for disability, life, medical, and contingency risks, based in California, USA.
I've been with PIU for more than 1 and a half years. They task us to do quoting and purchasing products like Loss of license guarantee, Disability insurance, Junior sports medical to give examples of what I worked on. I've also worked on ProducerZone, a section of the whole PIU site that's made entirely for Producers.
SPLAT is a school / classroom management software designed for Philippine Public Junior High Schools.
I've worked on SPLAT for more than three years.
For the first year that I've worked on SPLAT,
we canvas teachers for what are the things they would like
to see and what they would like to work on. I worked on generating reports,
providing ease-of-use features, maintenance, more.
I've also worked on SPLAT's iOS mobile app, SPLAT Teacher, which was made with
Swift + Obj-C + Coredata, although immediately held off after a month as the project was not as
demanded as we expected it to be. I still learned a lot using and working in the iOS environment.
Presently, I am working on an Android mobile app called SPLAT Family, as there was urgent need
of manpower on the project at the time and I stuck with it up to now and have added Android development
to my set of skills.